

Now it's where people go, rightfully

fearing they will get sick from Covid-19

Here's a new way to protect yourself:

It's the most sacred vow of medicine:

"First, do no harm"

And for the most part, doctors do a good job of keeping it.

But recently, it's become harder and harder for health workers to uphold their Hippocratic oath.

And as thousands of doctors and nurses fall prey to the vicious Covid-19... while countless infected people are flocking into infested hospitals... lots of seniors are wondering: "am I pushing my luck?"

It's something that prompted even the CDC, at the height of the first wave, to advise older folks with chronic conditions to "stay at home as much as possible".

It seems as though millions of Americans with diabetes, heart disease or any other chronic health problems are now between a rock and a hard place. It's a deadly dilemma: If you're not feeling well, you need immediate medical help, or risk getting sicker. But if you do go to the hospital, you face the risk of getting Covid-19 from another patient who doesn't even know they have it... or worse, from the very doctor or nurse who is supposed to take care of you.

If this scenario frightens you sounds like you, don't worry - you're no coward. It just means you're smart enough to understand the risks. And these risks are real:

In fact, the CDC reported that

I'll show you how to get a list of all the natural remedies you need to hoard for long-term survival. And what are the simple yet essential medical techniques and procedures you need to know in a medical emergency.. so that even if there's no doctor, or you can't visit one, you can still manage your chronic conditions, reduce your pain, and even restore your health until the doctor can see you.

This is especially important if you or a family member are at risk:

... soon, you may discover that you

can't go to your hospital... because it

doesn't exist anymore!!

This might sound crazy but it's 100% true. As expensive as healthcare is in the US... people don't realize just how fragile hospitals are. And many of them are laying off personnel at an unprecedented scale... or they're even going bankrupt.

You see, during the pandemic, hospitals were forced to halt elective surgery - which accounts for a big chunk of their revenues. With elective surgery gone, their revenues dried up. How much? A whopping $200 Billion with a capital B, and these are June numbers.

It's enough to send many hospitals to the brink of financial ruin - and beyond.

We've already had 29 hospital bankruptcies in 2020. But that's just the tip of the iceberg - especially for rural hospitals. Michael Topchik, executive director of the Chartis Center for Rural Health, says that 453 of the country's 2000 rural hospitals... close to 1 in 4... are in danger of closing... while 216 are most vulnerable.

Not even the giants are faring better:

So what can you start doing right away to become medically self reliant?

There are two simple steps:

Step 1 is to start stockpiling essential medicine, that might be gone in a crisis. Studies have shown that there are 153 critical drugs that people with chronic disease need right now - or else they with die. Many of them are made in China or in India. We were already experiencing shortages even without a pandemic. With so many factories closed, and governments limiting exports, you need to brace yourself for possible worldwide disruptions.

So what medicine to stockpile? I have a special list from a top survival doctor, and I'll share it with you here on this page in a moment.

But that's just the beginning. Step #2, and probably THE most important thing, is...

... you have to internalize some basic medical skills that could save your life in a "no doctor" scenario

Look: knowledge is power, and even the most basic medical knowledge will give you the power to save lives - yours, or a family member's.

In case you're thinking I'm nuts for even considering that you learn basic medical procedures... I know how it sounds. What am I saying here, that you'll perform your own surgery? That you'll treat some serious health problems, like a stroke or heart attack?

No. If any of that happens AND there is no doctor, I hope you scored good points with God - because you're going to need all of HIS good will. But...

...just because you won't

perform your own brain surgery, doesn't mean

there aren't things you can do

Quite a lot, actually!

You can learn to prepare for nervous, respiratory, circulatory, digestive and urinary system diseases.

You can manage superficial wounds and even fractures.

You can give first aid.

You can learn to self diagnose a medical problem (with some help). Perform CPR. Stop bleeding. Deal with trauma. Deal with hypothermia and hyperthermia. Fight infection. And so much more - all in a few hours of casual reading.

How do I know this? Years ago, when the Ebola pandemic happened, I was afraid that it was going to be "the one". Luckily, that wasn't the case. But while I was reading every available source, and doing my research, talking to doctors, etc... it occurred to me. Not all doctors are alike in a "no healthcare" situation.

As I was doing my Ebola research, it struck me that the best doctor for a medical crisis will probably not be some "silk underwear", Porsche-driving doctor from a billion dollar hospital. My best bet was someone from the trenches. A doctor who is forced to perform miracles with no expensive, state of the art technology. And while facing severe drug shortages. In short, ...

"There is no education like adversity"

Don't try any of it without talking to your doctor first!

What should you have on hand, in case of pneumonia?

Try to have some Cipro around the house. For kids, Bactrim or Suprax suspension will help, or Avelox.

For asthma and breathing problems, see if you can get your hands on prednisone taper, Albuterol, or Primatene Mist.

For shortness of breath or chest pain, stock up on nitroglycerin 0.4 mg tablets, as well as anticoagulants.

For non-infectious Diarrhea, Imodium-AD will help. In case of a urinary tract infection, make sure you have Bactrim or Macrobid.

Other things you MUST have in your stockpile include: aspirin as a blood thinner; atherosclerosis medication, like Mevacor or Zocor; Coumadin as a blood thinner for stroke; Aleve for arthritis; Zantac for heart burn; Lisinopril or Tenormin for high blood pressure.

And in general, you should make sure you can get your hands on...

Fiber laxative

Aspirin as a blood thinner

Atherosclerosis medication. Mevacor (lovastatin); Zocor (simvastatin)

Blood thinners for stroke Coumadin (warfarin)

Medications for arthritis Aleve (naproxen)

Heart burn medications. Zantac (ranitidine).

High blood pressure medication. (Lisinopril); Tenormin (atenolol).

You'll get this special report on isolation and quarantine for free, when you get the Survival MD manual today.

OK, how much will this cost?

Look, I won't hide it. This training is one of a kind, from one of the only "survival doctors" in the world. You're not going to find something like this anywhere else.

I can't stress how much I want for things to change - for this information to be something you will never need. But if you've read this much, you probably want to prepare for the unthinkable.

The only thing that comes close to this are medical textbooks. They will give you a world-class training - that is, if you can understand all the scientific jargon and are ready to spend up to $1400 for a year's manuals. Or you can get SurvivalMD, the crash-course... the "express" version for laypeople - and pay a fraction of that. You won't become a doctor. But you will be better prepared for a situation where there's no doctor.

You can think of this as a form of life insurance. For me, the best life insurance you can get is self reliance.

And I wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to become more self reliant in this crisis.

This is why this is not going to cost a fortune.

Plus, I want you to start reading this NOW, not a week from now. This is why you can...

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Here's how it works: There's so much chaos and uncertainty these days, that I want to help you get some peace of mind.

You'll get Survival MD and all the bonuses right away-so you can study it and use its wisdom immediately, without wasting precious time.

Now it's time to make a decision

that will influence the rest of your life
