
عرض المشاركات من يوليو, ٢٠٢١


  Now it's where people go, rightfully fearing they will get sick from Covid-19 Here's a new way to protect yourself: It's the most sacred vow of medicine: "First, do no harm" And for the most part, doctors do a good job of keeping it. But recently, it's become harder and harder for health workers to uphold their Hippocratic oath. And as thousands of doctors and nurses fall prey to the vicious Covid-19... while countless infected people are flocking into infested hospitals... lots of seniors are wondering: "am I pushing my luck?" It's something that prompted even the CDC, at the height of the first wave, to advise older folks with chronic conditions to "stay at home as much as possible". It seems as though millions of Americans with diabetes, heart disease or any other chronic health problems are now between a rock and a hard place. It's a deadly dilemma: If you're not feeling well, you need immediate medical help, or risk getti...